we are
Our mission
Finding sadhana
Ashtanga.social is a new community of yoga enthusiasts that want to apply the teachings of Yoga to real life. Our mission is to re-develop an understanding of Yoga based on the original teachings. Yoga is a tradition that must be fair, open and inclusive by definition.
It is not enough to (at best!) hear or speak about the ethical foundation of Yoga (the “yamas”). Yoga Sutra demands us to put the “great vow of Yoga” into action as the first stage of the famous eight layers of practice. You cannot take this out of the equation or postpone it to some future. The goal of practice is to experience the endless happiness of a modest, selfless, regional and sustainable lifestyle.
A yogic lifestyle cannot compromise the well-being of other beings today or in the future. Climate change literally creates endless suffering. Thus, we must drastically reduce CO2 emissions. That means we cannot blame others but must change some of our dearest habits at once. Nothing should serve less as an excuse for a selfish lifestyle and abusing our planet’s resources than Yoga. We are all one!
We also need to look at social injustice within our societies. But even more so we must consider the injustice towards whole world-regions that keep being exploited by “us” since hundreds of years. Our countries are incredibly rich, also, or maybe only because so many more are extremely poor. Yoga means union. Union does not come from ignorance. Yoga comes from equality, not from accepting inequality.
Maybe we cannot change everything as individuals. But we can change our own mindset and we can create a field in which short-sighted selfishness cannot prevail.
Yoga is guided by a strong moral compass and self-reflection. Yoga needs a value-driven community rather than ego-driven cult leaders and organizations. The aims of Yoga are altruistic, not selfish. Contact us now!
This project was sparked by practitioners from different Ashtanga Shalas in Berlin. This website is obviously still under construction, we are working on team member bios as well as fresh ideas and projects.
If you – teachers and practitioners – are interested in the values we try to promote, please let us know! You want to help organize our monthly meetup, the community gathering or camping?
We are working on this project without any financial interest and in our spare time. Please forgive all the “lorem ipsum” and the many flaws and dead ends on this website!
Berlin Ashtanga Stammtisch (every first Sunday)
There are more than 10 Mysore Style Shalas in Berlin. Many of us have practiced with different teachers, complementing each other. Let’s unite the scattered Ashtanga landscape and bring the best qualities together for the benefit of all.
You also meet on a regular basis? Have a good place to meet? Please share your dates with us!
We all know Yoga has hardly begun with a daily asana practice. So let’s leave differences in teaching style behind and bring our attention to the important questions of Yoga: What is Yoga really about? How can we overcome separation and egotism? How can we become true Yogis serving the well-being of all beings rather than selfish aims? How can we turn Yoga from theory into reality?
NEXT: MARCH 3, 2024, 12:00 – 14:00
Berlin, Khushi Restaurant
8-18 August | 3rd Summer Community Camping
Let’s practice and spend a wonderful time together. We meet for the third time in a row at the beautiful camp site @ Ellbogensee.
AUG 8-18, 2024
Naturcamping Ellbogensee (Fürstenberg, Havel)
Coming up Community Gathering
In September 2023, 50+ practitioners got together at spreefeld.org, to practice together and discuss how to transform an often merely physical practices of posture, breath and even meditation into a truly meaningful practice according to the Yogic scriptures? What are the key qualifications of success on our Yogic path? How can Yoga make a positive difference in the world to over planetary destruction and social injustice?
Berlin, Spreefeld
Teacher Exchange Program
In the old days, wandering Yoga teachers and sages had an immensely important role in the development of Yoga.
Anyhow – as usual – capitalism and selfishness have corrupt everything in a matter of just 20 years or so. The ancient tradition of teacher exchange has become a promotion of narcissistic personalities – a mere commercial business model.
We promote a different approach. Just like in the old days we believe in a non-commercial teacher exchange. An exchange of equals with different ideas and backgrounds, for the cultivation of best practices and wisdom in Yoga.
We are looking for teachers willing to join an open exchange program, maybe switching shalas for a week, maybe teaching together. Maybe sharing experience in special workshops on asana, pranayama, meditation or philosophy. Maybe not. But it should be based on a non-selfish agenda. It’s about connecting and exchange, not about money. Please contact us if you like the idea or are interested in joining such a list of teachers. Are you worried? Have you got concerns? Don’t get stuck. Let’s talk!

Ashtanga Enthusiasts Gathering
Berlin is calling the Ashtanga Community
We are trying to overcome the separation of the Ashtanga Community and try to bring back together teachers and practitioners from different backgrounds. Sometimes it just starts with having lunch togehter.
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Beyond Asana
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